There are many turned pieces to inspire you and us in Hudgen's home. Check out the turned side table, you may see this soon on our blog. Pause it at 1.07. Check out the curved leather dining room booth couch and it's turned legs. Do you have boring legs on your couches? Do they screw on? We can add character to your couches by turning new legs for you. And last, but not least, in her kitchen on her floating kitchen shelves are decorative pieces. Look around your home, any place you may like a turned decorative piece? Your inspiration is our reality, when it comes to turnings.
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Our blog showcases the warmth of wood turnings in interiors and exteriors. We show current work as well as a curated selection from the internet. We custom turn furniture, lamps, accent pieces, and architectural turnings. Our clients are interior designers, architects, and home renovators. We'll be posting once a week on Mondays by 9pm EST. Follow us for inspiration and have us turn your next project.
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